Thank You Lord for everything~

Dear Lord, please give me strength & teach me to be a good  girl..Thank You for always be at my side..

This pic was taken in 2009..
I miss them...really.. a lot =(

8th of OCTOBER 2011

I remember  1--> 2---> 3

" beloved had turned away and was gone.
  My heart went out to him when he spoke,
  I sought him, but I could not find him, 
  I called him, but he gave me no answer" [SONG OF SOLOMON 5:6]

"Set me as a seal upon your heart,
  As a seal upon your arm; 
  For love is as strong as the grave;
  Its flames are flames of fire,
  A most vehement flame." [SONG OF SOLOMON 8:6]

~ D O N J O N ~

Our life is not all wonderful as we want and it happens to Donjon (AY KML 2011/2012 EX-President).

I honestly feel sad and if possible, I want him to continue along with us. .

However his decisions to leave was the best decision for himself so that he can go and get treatment for health problems that he faced. . .
Hopefully he will get well soon. .

Donjon if you read this I want you to know that :

1. you must be strong to go through all the temptations.
2. Do not ever give up in life because God is always with you.
3. Thanks for being my friend in faith.
4. You are always remembered in my prayers.
5. Thank you for all the memories you have given.
6. Until we meet again 

Today's Quote

Hi guys, I am pleased to share a few quote..

I might not be someone's first choice, but I am a great choice. I may not be rich but I am valuable. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not, because I'm good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past, but I am proud of who I am today. I may not be perfect but I don't need to be. Take me as I am, or watch me as I walk away.

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you, not because they are not nice, but because YOU are nice.

‎3 yrs old: "Mommy, I love you."
10 yrs old: "Whatever Mom!"
16 yrs old:"OMG! My Mom is so annoying!"
18 yrs old: "I wanna leave this house."
25 yrs old: "Mom, you were right."
30 yrs old: "I wanna go back to my Mom's house."
50 yrs old: "I dont wanna lose my Mom."
70 yrs old: "I would give up EVERYTHING for my Mom to be here with me."


Every pain, every obstacles, every heartbreak, every tear I have endured has made me the strong, independent, courageous, wise and loving person I have become.

Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win

To be continue~ see yaa xD

Hi Life ~_^

Today I'm entering again a new chapter and journey of my life..Almost a month my study has started..
Studying in KML is really enjoying..Is it really?? I mean with a lot of work have to be done on the same time.. I stuck, getting tired and get stressed..
But then I realise, it's not really like that hehe..
I smile and laugh a lot here..
When I think deeply,
I only have less than a year in KML..
Friends and family in Sabah, miss you all always..

Panda is me hehee

Off to KML

Huaaaahhhh DONE packing!!
I got offer to continue study at Labuan Matriculation College for 1YP..I'm very glad..
So I'm going. .
New place new life. .
I have to be strong and hoping everything will be fine there. .  <3
For me, my past will be my strength ~_^

My friends at 'UKA' :) ,,,, "Bulatkan hati anda untuk kekal di sini dan anda pasti akan berjaya kelak" (hehe the words from Tchr xxxx) forgot the name. .the words very meant to me..

STUDY MOOD ON!!!!!!! :)

Camping at Dantai,KB..17-20 Febuary 2011 ❤

I join this camping. Full blast enjoy and happy. LOVE it so much ❤ 

At Dantai's beach  


Kembara Malam..
Guling-guling macam tenggiling hahahaha  

After Kembara Malam 

Other activities:~ 
Apa yg penting??? 'KERJASAMA' hehe  


My group + group lain.  

Yeap..Have to be careful..Silap2 ada yg jatuh..
The smart dog I forgot his name..

I was there..Waiting for my turn to be renger  
Sy dgn my friends..Suzz,penn,Judd  

 Judd, Penn, Suzz, BB, Q   

~The End~

EnjoY ❤

I love to listen to this enjoyy hehee
Owhya..sapa mw listen ne song,kc silent mode lu blog ne pnya lagu kayy hee.. 

          ❤  ❤  ❤  ❤  ❤  ❤   

GINGER ❤ The reasons why I like ginger ❤

Did you know the benefits of Ginger?
                 Ginger is one of the world's seven most 
                      potent disease-fighting spices.

Ginger has been used for its health benefits for over 5000 years and is a favorite medicinal as well as culinary herb. 

The intake of ginger helps 
# stimulate the secretion of mucus, quieting your cough and soothing any scratchiness in your throat.
#to treat feelings of nausea, particularly in the form of seasickness, morning sicknessmotion sickness and as a side effect of chemotherapy.
In pregnancy is to be extra careful!! Never use any herb, including ginger, without first discussing it with your doctor!! As for those suffering from ulcer, or other very serious gastric problems, they should also consult their doctor.
Ginger contains anti viral, anti toxic, and anti fungal properties, and is used for the prevention of and treatment against the common cold.

Ginger acts as an antihistamine and aids in the
treatment of allergies.
Ginger displays anti inflammatory properties and can be used to treat rheumatoid arthritisosteoarthritis, and various other muscular disorders.
So eating ginger may help to prevent
cancer and aging disorders.

Ginger contains special enzymes responsible for catalyzing the proteins in your food, thus aiding in digestion and the prevention of cramps.

Good for those with constipation!

The ancient Greeks used to eat ginger after a large meal,
in order to ease the digestion process.

Ginger has proven to help lower your cholesterol
levels and prevent the formation of blood clots.

As a mood enhancer, ginger's cineole content
may help contribute to stress relief.

Also used for migraine headache.
Ginger can also be used for reducing toothache and the discomfort which arises due to the infection in the upper respiratory tract due to its antibacterial and antifungal nature.
Chewing on fresh ginger, can help freshen the breath.
Being a warming herb, ginger can help knock out a fever. This property also makes it effective in stimulating circulation of the blood.
 It can also help relax muscles around the blood vessels and is said to help prevent blood clots from forming. The warming effects make it a natural decongestant as well as an antihistamine, making it the perfect remedy for colds.

 Some studies show that it can even help inhibit
 the replication of the herpes simplex virus.
Recent studies show that ginger might also have a role in lowering LDL cholesterol because the spice can help reduce the amount of cholesterol that is absorbed.

 It has also been shown in animal trials to help slow
 or even prevent cancerous tumor growth.
To discover the health benefits of ginger for yourself, simply make a tea by steeping about 5 slices of ginger in hot water.

Ginger is excellent in many dishes and
 is perfect when combined with garlic.
Ginger doesn't only spice up your food it can also help to put some extra spice in your intimate life too. It improves blood flow to your sexual organs, and contains Vitamin C, zinc and magnesium.

               Hope it will be of benefits to you & others.

                  Wishing you all a happy healthy life.
                             " Health is Wealth"  

BORED!!!!!!! ٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶

Feel so bored!!!!!!!

This is how my life goes today..

SPM result has came out.. ٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶

I just can't wait to continue my study!!!..

BUT I still haven't think yet what I wanna be..


Finally ◕‿ ◕

Yeap!! finally I have my own blog..

Welcome to my blog and feel free to follow.

Feel so tired + sleepy + HUNGRY hahahaha!!! 

OMG!!! No wonder, I've spent hours just to edit this blog..

No worry, I'm not go anywhere today..Can wake up late as usual hehehe..

It's time to sleep...yeapp I think so..  ◕‿ ◕